Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Strong is the New Skinny

I have really wanted to get that runner’s high everyone talks about. That second wind. I have had good workouts before, but never on that euphonium level. Lately, however, I have been getting pretty darn close. I know it’s been said a billion times-exercise is a great stress reliever, but it is so true. I have been dieting for months. And exercising for months. And being so frustrated with the lack of results. But I have finally seen pounds start shedding in the last two weeks. The ironic thing is I pretty much quit my diet. The only difference is that I have been pissed off and kicking butt. It seems like as soon as I stopped worrying about my body image so much, my body started to change.

I stopped worrying about how I need to get skinny and started thinking about how I need to get strong. I started to do it for me-not for what others see. It’s building strength both emotionally and physically.

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the stronger you are the better you feel


Firstly, working out is giving me an outlet to work out my anger, while also giving me a place to think, and this is making my mind strong. Secondly, this expulsion of anger is making me go harder and longer in my work-outs and that is consequently doing things for me physically. This is great and exciting, because I’m seriously about to go wild. What’s that mean exactly? I’m going to jump out of planes, and canoe/kayak rivers, and climb mountains. I’m sure many of you will blame my desire to do all kinds of crazy stuff because of the break-up. But I don’t care what it sounds like. I feel more free everyday and I’m going to continue to seek after that freedom.


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1 comment:

Nicole said...

You go girl!!! I am working on training for a half marathon... wish I had you as a running buddy!