It's been a few days, huh? Well, the explanation I have for you is two fold. First of all, cough, excuse me, cough, ugh...I'm sick! I came down with a chest cold just in time for the beginning of classes, which leads me to the second reason I haven't posted. School started back...dun, dun, dunnnnn! Something is different about the beginning of this semester, though. In the midst of whining about not wanting to go to class and do homework and sell my soul to Delta State AGAIN, I am really refreshingly excited! I suppose it has to do with a few things I am LOVING...
I'm loving that I made it back to Cleveland safely and in time to enjoy the snow day with my friends...
Outside Jon and Chad's Apartment
Catching snowflakes in my mouth
Jonathan and Craig..uh...being boys...
Grrrrr...I look intimidating,huh?
Snow Angel!
Mean Boys! Pushed me down in the COLD snow!
I forgive!
It looks like were traveling in some kind of vortex
Jessica's snowman, Charlie
This may not have been the best option concerning my cold but...I love Amber Grace and J-Dubb!!!
I'm loving that I have made some new friends already this semester in my new classes, especially because I asked God for people I could love on in His name...
I'm loving that a particular class that I had uncertain feelings about seems to be one that is going to help me get where I really want to in life!
It's creative Non-Fiction...So basically painting the truth a pretty color so that it is engaging and entertaining...That's pretty much what Beth Moore does and what I would ultimately like to do in life too!
I'm NOT loving being sick, BUT is making me thankful for my health and think about those who are constantly ill or in pain. My heart goes out to them...I pray that they receive healing.
I'm loving that it's Wednesday and Wednesday means BSU Lunchencounter! A.K.A. Bill (BSU Director) makes a really yummy lunch for anyone on campus who will come and listen to a great speaker talk about JESUS! Today Marshall Henderson a youth director from Morrison Chapel here in Cleveland is speaking. If you're a DSU student reading this, be sure to join us at the Baptist Student Center...any Wednesday, every Wednesday at noon! (We will get you done and out of there before your next class!)

What I am really loving about this Lunchencounter is what's on the menu for today and you will too if you have ever been lucky enough to experience...
the oh-so-famous POPPY SEED CHICKEN!!!
I'm loving the new positive attitude I have had since the new year began. I think scripture and a healthier relationship with God are to thank for that.
Amber Marie
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