I know you are probably getting tired of my “I don’t know where to start” posts, but you may just have no idea how overwhelming the past few days have been for me. Or maybe you do. And If you do then, all together now…1, 2, 3-“PHEW!” Isn’t God AWESOME!? I don’t mean like “That movie was awesome,” “she is an awesome person,” or even “Passion 2011 was awesome!” (I really need to start being careful about using that word) I mean God filled me with Awe at the Passion conference…and I DON’T mean He filled me with awe because this was a super “spiritual” event or something. I think what made such an impact on my heart was that I actually prepared for the worship at Passion before I went, which was totally of the Spirit too because no one told me “Get ready,” just God. Prayer and listening and reading his word made me so sensitive to the Spirit. Beth Moore made sure to tell the ladies in her breakout session to not just leave and say “It was awesome. Passion was awesome,” but to sit in it and think about it. I am bursting at the seems with new insight but I have much meditation to do so stay tuned; there is definitely more to come out of this heart and onto this blog…Lord, let it glorify you and you alone.
I had so much I was LOVING yesterday for WILW but Blogger apparently was not too interested in posting all my Loves...so I had to try again this morning...I know it's Thursday, but luckily I am Loving these things just as much, maybe more as I did yesterday!
I am LOVING the organizations I got involved in at the Do Something Now Center at Passion 2011! I am sponsoring darling little boy named Omar and drinking coffee from Rwanda!
This is my Compassion Child that I adopted at Passion in the Do Something Now Center…Passion had a goal to have 150 kids sponsored at the ATL conference…when we left 399 were adopted and I am sure more after the last session.
Here is a little about Omar:
He lives in a country called Burkina Faso in Africa with his grandmother and 3 other siblings; Grandmother is only sometimes employed as a farmer. I picked him because he was a priority need child (i.e. He has been waiting 12 months and lives in aid-affected area)
Carrying water and gardening are his household duties. Soccer and hide-and-seek are his favorite activities. He also goes to a Bible class regularly.
There are so many children out there in this world, some living in places we don't even know existed and they are in need of the basic necessities...our children have video games, cell phones, not only large meals, but desserts too. Thirty eight dollars a month is not much. You could even sponsor as a group. Check out the Compassion website.
And please pray for my sweet child.
and the COFFEE....This is by far the best coffee you will EVER drink...I am so serious, it's delicious! The best thing about it though is that its all apart of a ministry to rebuild the lives of Rwandan farmers still trying to recover from the Genocide...I strongly encourage you to check out The Land of a 1000 Hills website to read the story and perhaps order some of the "do good" coffee! I promise you will not regret it!
I am Loving these people!
This is my family group from the Passion conference...the purpose of this group to have people to reflect with and let me tell you, what a blessing! I am so excited about keeping in touch with these sweet faces and continue sharing about what God is doing in our lives!
I am LOVING how SSMT is going!

There are SO many women involved in this...we are going to be so RENEWED! Here's my first verse
"Yes, Lord, walking in your truth, we eagerly wait for you, for your name and renown are the desire of our souls" Isaiah 26:8
I am Loving that 22,000 students not only got fed at the Passion conference but we fed in the name of JESUS CHRIST too! 1.1 Million Dollars was given in the Do Something Now Center!and most of all I am LOVING Jesus Christ, "the bottom of my Joy!"
For the Glory of Christ, "Make Much of Him,"
Blogging my Battles and Blessings,
Amber Marie
You have some sweet loves. God moves through Passion!
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