Friday, August 26, 2011

Bravery and Salmon

Well, hello, Reader-Friends!

This moment is feeling a little surreal to me. It’s Friday and I have no class, no work, and not a ten mile to-do list. I don’t know how I got away with a schedule like this! I do have quite a bit of reading for class though, so a trip to the coffee shop may be in order today! I guess I made it sound like I’m not busy at all, but I, in fact, still have plenty to do; it’s just a much healthier balance of insanity!


In my drama class, the other night one of the grad students who is an English teacher in a local public school told me that she thought I was brave for changing directions. Brave? I don’t think I had heard anyone say that through all this changing. I’ve heard that I should do what makes me happy and that I was right for not putting myself in a classroom if I knew I wasn’t going to be passionate about it, but all that sounds logical and reasoned out. You are brave, makes it sound like I’m taking heroic action. Maybe this is getting a bit too dramatic (I was in drama class at the time), but that adjective: brave gave a new meaning to what I was doing with my life. It’s like I’m saving myself from unhappiness, a lack of passion in life. While brave makes me think that I’m doing something risky and that’s scary, it also gives me a little drive too. My friend said it so sincerely and it was a compliment that conceptualized my attitude. I have had a lot of doubt through all this. I don’t know what the heck I’m doing or going, but from now on I can step out in brave faith, trusting God and believing in myself.


Ok, corny life speech over.


And now…look what I made for some friends last night for dinner!


Caprice Salad


And Baked Maple Salmon. My inspiration came from a post Jenni put up last week. It was so simple, and there were certainly moans of delight at the dinner table. Try it tonight!


J said...

You are brave for listening to your heart! That salmon looks so good!

Nicole said...

I have to agree that bravery is a word that fits. You're completely changing the course you had picked... but, for the better. Doing what you know is right (even if the result is happiness!) takes bravery!

Megan said...

Wow, that salmon and salad looks amazing!! I might have to try that next.

Candyland said...

this is my first time visiting your blog, so Im not sure what change you have made. However, doing what makes you happy and trusting God is where to start!

Shea said...

I never really think of the word brave...but it definitely fits. I'm glad you're following your heart and trusting God. =)