Sunday, February 19, 2012

Time flies when you’re Instagraming

24 hours is just not enough in a day! Seven days are gone in a blink! And all I can do to keep up is re-cap with Instagram. Linking up with Jenni for this week’s “Best of Instagram.”


1. One of the days this past week for the February photo challenge called for something “blue,” so in honor of BEB, ta-da!



2. Some of my girls and me at Hey Joe’s for Trivia on Wednesday night.


3. I can’t tell you how many times I have told  myself that the responsible thing to do would be to sell this beaut back, so I can better afford bridesmaid dresses, big girl bills, etc…etc…etc…BUT my heart is screaming “NOOOOOO” very loudly. Heart wins for now.


4. The past few weekends, Chad and I have made some spectacular dinners. This week’s menu included Tilapia (pictured above) and Mediterranean pizza (gone before a picture could be snapped).



5. And as usual, this is what Sundays look like.

Happy day to all!


Unknown said...

Your eyeballs are GORGEOUS!!!

Alyssa said...

Yum, the mediteranian pizza sounds so good!