Wednesday, June 22, 2011

An Itch to Thrift

Hey Reader-Friends!

I had a GREAT little bonding time with my big sis yesterday. We went to one of my favorite places...drum roll please...the thrift store! I'm getting a little addicted, honestly. I mean who wouldn't when you can put adorable outfits together for next nothing. I'm not that high maintenance, ladies. If there isn't holes in someone else's New York & Company blazer (which looks like it MIGHT have been worn just once) then I'm giving the cute cloth a loving home! Now, I am light years away from being rich, (hello! trying to pay for college here!) but I like to say that the money I save shopping at the Goodwill and the Salvation Army makes me "thrifty rich"!

I had planned on doing some studying last night, (see a trend? -for crying out loud it's the summer! Can't I just play?) anyway, I got distracted and started playing dress up with my thrift store purchases (two pairs of jeans and four tops for a mere 25 bucks) and a few new things I got this weekend when my mom and I went out and about.

{We went without the windows in the Jeep :) Good feeling; Awful hair!}

I think I see a new series for the blog in the future. I am going to work on putting some outfits together and sweet talking Jon into being my photographer, so I can share my steals with all my bloggy-buddies! I'm insanely far from being any kind of thrift store shopping pro, but as I learn I will be sure to share some tips too. Sound good, gals? Okay, so watch for these "Thrifty Rich" posts soon!

Speaking of the thrift store...This girl was there:

Well, not actually "this" girl. But you know her. The one that dragged brought her boyfriend along on the shopping trip. He pushed the cart, he held the unwanted hangers of clothes, he gave his not exactly what she wanted to hear opinion on every single outfit she came out of the dressing room in. Ladies, I'm not hating on you if you do this to your man, (maybe he willingly comes along-mine is just unruly, I guess) but the one thing that made my skin hot, as I had no choice but to listen to their exchange of words as I was in the next dressing stall over was her desperate desire of his approval of what she was wearing.

Look, I haven't been very successful thus far in the confidence department, but there is one kind of thinking I am starting to get a hold of, and that is just doing something, being something, liking something just because it's who you are! I'm not going to get all preachy with the just be yourself campaign, but I have been 150% happier and more confident walking out of the house in something I decided was right for me, that reflected my personality. Ahem****That's what your men should love about what you're wearing, whether it's his favorite color or not****

Another key in life and finding yourself is accepting that everyone is different. If someone turns up their nose at your clothes, a haircut, or piercing, don't take it personal; they just somehow got it in their head that the world revolves around them and therefore cater to their tastes.

Whenever my sweet bestie and roommate comes into my room in the mornings to ask my opinion on her outfit, she should by now well-know my response: "Well, do you like it?"

So, my question for you today is the same: Do you like what you're wearing or is it someone else's taste?
{okay, so I did get a little preachy.}

Blogging my Battles and Blessings,
Amber Marie


Caitlin said...

You can feel free to get preachy on this subject all day long, sister!

Nicole said...

Amen, Lady! It truly is about wearing and doing things for YOU. (unless you've seriously gone off the deep end. Ha!)

The Cat Hag said...

I have the worst luck in thrift shops, I never find anything that suits me!

And I'd totally agree that a person should only dress to please oneself. :)

The Cat Hag