Friday, January 13, 2012

I want to be a Rebel!

Attention all bloggers, as well as Reader-Friends with fancy cameras!!!

So, the more I get into journalism (more to come on that later), the more a dormant passion for photography has been re-surfacing. My very first job as a teenager was assisting a professional photographer in my little hometown. I learned the basics of DSLR shooting, as well as editing with Photoshop. Then I joined the yearbook staff at my high school and got my hands on the school’s Rebel. Since college and since I became stressed out by working towards a career that would have made me miserable and obsessed with being with a man that would have made me miserable, however, that love and enjoyment I found in taking pictures faded. But all of sudden, it is back with full force. I have always wanted an SLR, but always have let the doubt of not having the time to invest in something so expensive get the better of me. But now I’m letting the fact that I have had so many moments in the years past where I have said, “If I had that camera, I could have this amazing shot and a vivid memory forever,” outweigh that doubt. Plus, I’m quite jealous of some of the quality pictures other bloggers have up on their pages. #honesty. So I think I’m about to jump in.

This is where I need some help. WHICH ONE??? I’m looking for as many two cents I can get (maybe enough to make a dollar!)…If you have advice in choosing and purchasing an SLR, let me know here in the comments box or on FB or by email. I know that these cameras can go up and beyond a grand in costs, but I’m not looking to make money off my prints. I really don’t want to spend more than six to seven hundred, and I know you can buy kits for around that. (I know lenses come later). I do want video capability, as well. These are the ones I am looking at mostly:


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Annnnd T3i:

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So, what do you think?


Olivia said...

Yah!!! I think the Ts3 is what Jenni and Katie have, and they have awesome quality photos! I can't wait to see what you get!

Nicole said...

Kayla Neergaard has the t3i and she really likes it!

Elle said...

I have the T1i an love it! It's definitely all that I need for now. I suggest looking into buying a gently used camera--you can save a bundle!